

Belonging has both breadth and depth. 

Belonging depth includes the layers of belonging, which include feeling (1) seen, (2) embraced, and/or (3) celebrated. The more layers of belonging we have, the richer our sense of genuine connection.

Belonging breadth describes the various life spaces where we seek connection and where connection can show up for us, specifically (1) ourselves, (2) one-on-one relationships, (3) communities, and (4) macrosystems, such as our state, country, or even the world at-large.

  • Self Belonging is the degree to which you see, embrace, and/or celebrate yourself.

    Ask yourself:

    • What are my values? (seen)

    • How well do I know myself? (seen)

    • How much do I like myself? (embraced)

    • Do I appreciate my quirks and unique qualities? (embraced)

    • Do I acknowledge my accomplishments? (celebrated)

    • Do I have grace with my challenges? (celebrated)

  • Interpersonal Belonging is the degree to which you feel seen, embraced, and/or celebrated in your one-on-one relationships.

    Ask yourself:

    • Can my partner or best friend accurately tell me my values? (seen)

    • Does my boss know my skills? (seen)

    • Do I feel unconditionally loved by my parent or another loved one? (embraced)

    • In which relationships can I share my opinions without repercussions? (embraced)

    • Who cheers me on when I have a goal for myself? (celebrated)

    • Who show up when I am struggling? (celebrated)

Dr Mona Nour, therapist, professor, entrepreneur. Developed a model called Belonging Integration™ that reimagines the concept of social connection that humans inherently need.
  • Community Belonging is the degree to which you feel seen, embraced, and/or celebrated in your communities - any place where people gather, such as family, workplace, school, friend groups, and places of worship.

    Ask yourself:

    • Does my family truly know me? (seen)

    • Does my workplace accept me, even when I make mistakes? (embraced)

    • Does my friend group celebrate my wins and show up on my tough days? (celebrated)

  • Universal Belonging is the degree to which you feel (1) seen, (2) embraced, and/or (3) celebrated in any macrosystem, such as:

    • hometown, city, state

    • country

    • university

    • large organization

    • culture

    • world at-large

    Ask yourself:

    • Do I feel understood as I move through the world? (seen)

    • Do I feel connected to this world with a sense of passion, purpose, and meaning? (embraced)

    • Am I respectfully acknowledged with all my quirks, differences, and unique qualities, even in places where I don’t know anyone? (celebrated)

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